Thanks for supporting Guru Ram Das Ashram


Sat Naam and Joyful Greetings to All who Love Guru Ram Das Ashram!

We have weathered a global pandemic and other major shifts in our lives and in our community, and Guru Ram Das Ashram still shines bright!  We offer our heartfelt, humble thanks to all of you who have contributed to sustaining this light in the darkness.

Guru Ram Das Ashram depends on your generosity.  Your weekly, monthly, yearly and occasional financial donations, your gifts of langar and other needs, and your devoted presence, participation, and service maintain Guru Ram Das Ashram as the special, sacred place that is the central touchstone of our lives.

It is not magic.  The leadership team constantly monitors our means, and adjusts our programs to fit within the current resources.  Inflation effects all of us.  With more resources, more programs are possible, such as longer hours that the doors are open for sangat and visitors to refresh our spirits, and better maintenance and enhancements to the facilities and programs.

There is a rhythm to it.  A constant inflow of your monthly donations reliably covers one-third of our monthly needs.  Some income from the rental office spaces upstairs in the langar hall building and from our share of the 1622 Preuss residential property augments that steady stream.  And once a year, in November–January, you give your annual donations and we stretch them out over the coming year.  This time of year is very suspenseful and prayerful for us on the leadership team!

Last year, over $20,000 came in during this crucial year-end fundraising cycle.  We hope for the same great results this year.  Please do not assume that the same people will give the same amounts this year!  Give in whatever way you prefer (see below).

Please do your part, whatever you know that to be, as a reflection of the value to you in your life of our beloved Guru Ram Das Ashram.

In gratitude and service,

Har Simran Kaur

Executive Secretary

Executive Councilors:

Davi Kaur

Guru Prem Singh

Hari Kirn Kaur

Sadhana Jot Singh

Community Coordinator Karan Nam Singh

Choose one of six methods for your donations:

1. EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)

Click one of the links below to start donating every month from your checking or savings account to:

The General Fund and the programs it supports: Click Here.

Guru’s Langar Hall and related programs: Click Here.



Use the “bill pay” feature on your checking or savings account through your bank or credit union. Make your donation checks payable to:

Sikh Dharma of Southern California

P.O. Box 35657

Los Angeles, CA 90035


3. Mail a check payable to

Sikh Dharma of Southern California

P.O. Box 35657

Los Angeles, CA 90035


4. Paypal

To use your credit or debit card or Paypal account, click here.


5. KindBase allows you to make a one-time donation with your credit card.


6. Donating at Guru Ram Das Ashram

When you visit Guru Ram Das Ashram in person, place your cash or check donation at the Guru's Feet, or use your credit or debit card in the electronic KindBase kiosk.


May your generosity return to you a hundredfold!

Community Growth Fund




Send all mail to:


Sikh Dharma of Southern California
P.O. Box 35657
Los Angeles, CA  90035


Contact Information